To Register an Interest in taking part in WSJ 27 / Project 27
Please visit -
Please NOTE : This is only to register an interest. This is NOT an application. All this means is that we will contact you on these details when applications open.
You can register an interest as "somebody to pass details on", and we will notify you as each type of applications open.
HQ have recently announced that there will be a central application process for WSJ Leaders for the 26th WSJ. This will be in May 25 - July 25. Selection will still be locally done in the Counties. Until we have more information, all we can continue to do is to collect a register of interest, and let you know when more information becomes available.
Volunteer to help with WSJ Leader and Participant Selection
We will need a large number of volunteers for both the WSJ Leader and the Participant Selection weekends. You may volunteer to help as these events by completing -
WSJ Leader Selection Weekend - Dates unknown, likely to be late June / July 25
We will need around
10off 14-17 year olds
4off 18-19 year olds (who went on last WSJ)
15off Adult Scout Members
WSJ/P27 Young People Selection Weekend - 12th - 14th September 25
We will need around
150off Adult Scout Members
The 26th World Scout Jamboree, Poland 2027
The 26th World Scout Jamboree is due to be held in August 2027, with the site located on Wyspa Sobieszewska within the borders of the city of Gdańsk, on the coast of the Baltic Sea in northern Poland.
The World Scout Jamboree (WSJ) is the largest Scouting event, where Scouts and Leaders from over 200 countries come together for 10 days. Total participants is usually in excess of 30,000 people. The WSJ is held every 4 years, with the last one in Korea in 2023, and previously in the USA in 2019.
It is currently very early in the WSJ 4 year cycle for Poland, but we are starting to be asked loads of questions, including "where and when can we sign up for it".
Provisional Information,
All of this page is based on provisional information, and is ALL subject to change and alteration.
Who is able to attend the WSJ?
Any member of the Scout Association, that matches the age criteria, and completes the application and selection processes of the County they live in.
Jamboree Dates?
The WSJ 27 Jamboree date is 30th July to 8th August 2027. However, the UK Contingent is likely to be away for 3 weeks (some days before, and some days afterwards).
What age do you need to be for the WSJ?
To be a participant, you need to be aged 14-17 (Born between 30 July 2009 and 30 July 2013)
To be a member of IST, you need to be 18 and over (Born before 30 July 2009)
To be a Leader, you will PROBABLY need to be born before 1st Jan 2008 (subject to HQ confirmation).
How many spaces will Hampshire County Scouts have?
In the past, we have had a very large number of spaces (as Hampshire is the largest Scout County in the UK).
For WSJ USA (2019), we had 135 participants, and 15 leaders
For WSJ Korea (2023), we had 144 participants, and 16 leaders
However, we have been told that for Poland, we will have lower numbers. How much lower, we don't yet know, and we are not likely to have this confirmed until May 25.
What is the likely cost of the WSJ?
The cost of the WSJ is made up of two parts. The first is the Hampshire County Scouts Training fee, and this has been set at £600 (subject to any significant changes made by the UK Contingent). This is only paid by participants.
The second part is the UK Contingent fee. We will not know this until after the summer 2025, but is likely to be around £3,000 - £4,000. This is paid by participants and leaders.
Will there be a Grant Scheme?
We are very pleased to be able to confirm that Hampshire County Scouts will be running a special WSJ grant scheme, with grants of between 10% - 50%, depending on financial circumstances. Grants will be applied for as part of the application process, and when place offers are issued, the result of any grant application will be included in the offer (so that a decision can be made knowing what grant is coming from Hampshire County Scouts). Grants will be open to Leaders and Participants.
There is usually a separate UK Contingent financial grant scheme, but we do not have any details as yet.
What is the WSJ IST (International Support Team)?
The WSJ IST is a team of 18 and over's, that support the WSJ in Poland. Hampshire Scouts do not have any direct input into the WSJ process, but, we will let you know as and when we hear about how to apply.
Will there be an alternative to the WSJ?
As per the last two WSJ's, there will be a Project 27.
The result of the WSJ participant selection process will be either an offer of a place on the WSJ27 or Project 27.
Both trips will be aimed at about 3 weeks, roughly at the same time, and are regarded as sister expeditions.
Previous Project alternative expeditions have been
Project 19 - USA (New York, Atlanta, and Florida) - 86 participants and 20 leaders
Project 23 - Austria, Czechia and Germany - 193 participants and 30 leaders
Where is Project 27 going to be?
Project 27 is going to be based in the USA. A three week coach trip, travelling from Atlanta to Los Angeles, staying at at least 3 Scout campsites, undertaking a wide range of activities, travelling along part of Route 66, visiting the Grand Canyon, and some theme parks etc.
How much will Project 27 be?
Project 27 is currently costed at around £3,600 - £3,800, but is subject to change. With the budget being developed over 2 1/2 years in advance, costs will be refined. Leaders will have a 25% discount.
Will Project 27 have a grant fund?
We are very pleased to be able to confirm that Hampshire County Scouts will be running a special Project 27 grant scheme, with grants of between 10% - 50%, depending on financial circumstances. Grants will be applied for as part of the WSJ application process. We are hoping to be able to confirm the result of any grant application with the offer of a place on Project 27 (so that a decision can be made knowing what grant is coming from Hampshire County Scouts). Grants will be open to Leaders and Participants.
Can I directly apply to be a participant on Project 27?
Project 27 will initially be offered to those that apply and attend the WSJ selection, but are not offered a place on the WSJ. However, Project 27 is based on coaches, and therefore, there may be places available at a later date for people to join directly, subject to space availability to fill up a coach.
What are the ages for Participants and Leaders on Project 27?
As Project 27 is a sister expedition to the WSJ, the age ranges will be the same as the WSJ.
How many can go on Project 27?
Project 27 is designed around coaches, so we can in theory just keep adding coaches. However, this is subject to also having enough leaders to be able to support additional coaches, and the support team being able to work with the numbers.
We are anticipating numbers of around 60-240 participants.
We are anticipating needing around 10 - 40 leaders.
We are also looking for up to 4 leaders to become an Expedition Support Team, to assist the main leadership team (application essentially the same as a leader).
WSJ and Project 27 Application Process timescales
WSJ Leaders - We are hoping to launch the applications for the leaders of the Hampshire WSJ units in late Feb 25, with a compulsory selection weekend booked for 9th - 11th May 25 (at Fernycrofts).
Please Note : We may NOT know the number leaders we need by selection in May 25. Therefore, there may be a delay in confirmation of leaders.
WSJ/P27 Participants - We are hoping to launch the applications for Participants around May 25, with a compulsory selection weekend booked for 12th - 14th September 25 (at Fernycrofts).
P27 Leaders - We are hoping to launch the applications for P27 leaders around May 25, with selection events in September 25 (To Be Confirmed).
The above is about the limit of our knowledge at this time (especially on WSJ). We are largely waiting for UK HQ to release additional information, which may change any of the above information.
If you have any questions that can't wait until we have more information in a few months time, please E-mail [email protected]